Jobelle ~ nounou à domicile ~ Paris 12e Arrondissement

Présentation de Jobelle

Name: Jobelle
Nationality: Filipina
Age: 34 years old
Degree: Batchelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Registered Nurse
Birthday: November 22, 1986
Status: Single
Stay in Paris: 9 Years
Live in: Paris 12 Bastille
Language: Fluent in English ( Reading and writing)
Basic French
With Legal papers working in France

Working Expirience
Childcare, Cleaning (Menage) Ironing (repassage) Old care.

Hongkong (4years)
Chinese family with 3 beautiful childrens. ( 2006-2010 )
Domestic Helper
(Cleaning the house, ironing, gardening, cooking, washing clothes, tacking care of the kids, bring them to school, prepare there food and etc.. Pick them up to school bring them home give bath and dinner bring them to sleep..)

Denmark ( 2years )
Danish family with 2boys and 1girl, ( 2010-2012 )

Paris France ( 4years )
- French family with 3 kids ages 15, 7 and new born (partime) Madame Afsani

- French Grand Mother (9months)
Madam Coste (cleaning house every Saturday) also for the exchange of room service inside her house.)

- French family with 3 kids ages twin 13years old and 15years old
( 3years) Madam Barbet
Cleaning, Cooking, ironing, washing clothes.. ( All around )
With a cute kitty cat

- French family with 3 kids ages
New born, 4 and 2 years old
( 9months )Parents: Claire/Emmanuel ( Sortie Ecole )

-French family with two girls age 2 and 4 years old (4 months)
Parents : Anna/ Charles

French family with 1child age 6 years old. ( Shortime) Parents: Elisabeth/Stepane

- Italian family ( 2014 to present ) (partime) Madame Astrid
( cleaning, cooking, ironing, marketing, washing clothes etc)

- GARE PARTAGEE 2016-2018
( 2 Years )
4 Children
-10 months baby girl
- 1 year and 8months girl
- 3years old girl
- 4years old boy

2018-2021 ( 3years )
2 Kids
- 6months baby boy
-4 years old girl

I have 15 years experienced as a Nanny/ Baby Sitter and a House hold worker/cleaner.. With good moral character, very respectful and of course very helpful, I gave my 101% of my services to the family together with the love and care with the kids. I never had an absent during my entire work, except if I have an appointment to the prefecture. ?? I am looking for a Full time work or Garpartagee.. I am available by September 2021.

At the moment I am working with a wonderful and very respectful family, I’ve took care and look after of there Kids, gave them bath and make sure they are always clean, neat and tidy is one of my best service to them, I am very organized nanny specially with there clothes. ( Not with the toys because I am teaching them to learn on how they tidy and clean up there toys) Preparing lunch and dinner, I make sure the kids eat well, I know its a bit hard to gave vegetables and sometimes fruits to them but I make sure they eat and they have a healthy foods. In my first year to this family the baby is whole with me, and we pick up his elder sister after school, preparing snacks, sometimes we go to the park after school, gave them bath, dinner and getting ready with there pajamas and brushing teeth too.. We always have a special day.. During wednesday they have a lot of activities I bring the big girl to Conservatoire, while the baby is at the garderie. We also have a dance class every monday after school and music class every morning for the baby boy. I always have extra face mask and alcogel in my bag, even thermometer and some extra things in case of emergency.

Reason why I am searching for a new work, Im a bit sad but I am happy for the baby boy, now that he is 3years old he need to go to school, the family only need a sortie ecole nanny, of course they still want to keep me but the working hours and also the salary will not fits and suits in my needs.. Living in Paris is very expensive..

Being a Nanny was a big responsibility, taking care of kids is not that easy. But I love to take care of them and seeing them growing..
I Love having conversation with the kids, one of my talents is singing together with the kids, we do art works as well when we have a spare time during school vacation. I’ve always asked them how are they doing? how is school? what did they ate at the canteen? Checking them every day if they are good. Knowing there needs and wants. Learning to cook foods that they love, specially vegetables. Knowing there new friends at school, favorite teacher,
Knowing there favorite cartoon characters, colors, giving them gift during there special day.. :)

I guess I gave the half informations about me as a :)

Please dont hesitate to contact me.

I am the Nanny with a big heart
Best Regards,

 Je peux faire du :  baby-sitting / plein temps
 Je m'occupe d’enfants de :  0 à 6 mois / 6 mois à 2 ans / 2 à 6 ans
 Mes petits plus :  J'aide à faire les devoirs / je donne le bain / je prépare les repas / je peux faire un peu de ménage /

Les compétences de

Mon expérience : je garde des enfants depuis plus de 5 ans
Ma scolarité : j'ai fait des études supérieures
Je parle couramment :
Mes déplacements : je n'ai pas le permis et pas de voiture
Mes recommandations :je vous les fournirai avec plaisir

Tarif et disponibilités

Taux horaire : à partir de 12.00 €

Lu Ma Me Je Ve Sa Di
Je peux également garder vos enfants :
 en vacances scolaires
 pendant la nuit
 quand ils sont malades